Book by Deanne Ellsworth

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NickN Great Britain
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Book by Deanne Ellsworth

Post by NickN »

Does anyone know what happened with this book?

Did it get published and just sell out, or did it get cancelled, and if so, why? Seems like it would have been quite a fascinating read. ... 0760347670
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A chime collector in a land of two-tone horns...
Flat Train United States of America
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Re: Book by Deanne Ellsworth

Post by Flat Train »

Looks like an interesting book. I will look around and try to order one.
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Re: Book by Deanne Ellsworth

Post by Airchime »

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Railgeek Virgin Islands (USA)
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Re: Book by Deanne Ellsworth

Post by Railgeek »

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-Reed Skyllingstad
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Re: Book by Deanne Ellsworth

Post by Airchime »

Apologies for my inaccurate information.
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Re: Book by Deanne Ellsworth

Post by FDDMS-er »

I would like to have gotten this book when the getting was good. I remember hearing rumors about an air horn book similar to Ed Fagen's whistle book, but never heard anything solid.

I may be out of the locomotive horn game, but it still might have been an interesting read. My own favorite railroad is long gone, yet I am still buying books about it. (I would rather eat worms than own another steam whistle, but I still have - and occasionally read again - my copy of "The Engine's Moan; America Steam Whistles.")
"There is nothing so stupid that nobody will collect it."