Information About Stolen Horns

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Bradygoldminer United States of America
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Information About Stolen Horns

Post by Bradygoldminer »

Hi all,

I put together a lot of information together over time on what I found out the deal is with stolen horns.

Heres a disclaimer, stealing locomotive horns from trains or anywhere is literally a Class A felony and can lead up to 10 years in jail, if anyone hasn't known already.

Alright heres some information:

To my knowledge as of today's time, around 25+ locomotive horns are stolen from locomotives each day in the United States alone from short lines to locomotives in sidings or in-storage. I do know some people who I won't mention, that resorted to stealing horns for their collection / extra clout / free money / or just for the meme, but I'm not mentioning who it is due to me getting into some "controversy" for exposing who it was. So, that being said, I did a little bit of investigating on why horns are stolen so much, I believe it's because of social media influencers with a huge following have been advertising them as a "cool vehicle mod". So, I guess then, people have looked up these prices of the horns and thought they can make a quick buck from stealing them off of trains. but that's just my theory. Here's some more information on how to identify possible stolen horns on for sale sites. 1. If a horn looks like it is freshly removed from a locomotive, then its probably stolen. 2. Don't believe stories, that may be true or false, but sometimes people make up stories to make people think they obtained the horn legitimately, even though they haven't. 3. Just use common sense when buying them. 4. Buy from well known collectors or dealers / scrap yards. From talking with some former friends that came out to me as horn thieves, which I'm now not friends with anymore, they would mention to me that they remove them when there's no one around, when it's a little dark outside, but not too dark, and would remove them in about 3 - 7 minutes depending on how it was mounted for each one. Just to be clear, I'm not mentioning who it was, because everyone will probably make a big deal out of it like last time. So don't message me about it anymore. At the moment, I am currently developing a new horn that has better security features to prevent thieves from walking away with them. In Conclusion, just be careful from who you get horns from and use common sense.

That's just some of my information I've studied from online sources and other things.

- Brady
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Supertyfon Sam United States of America
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Re: Information About Stolen Horns

Post by Supertyfon Sam »

Ah crap, my KS1 might have been stolen since it's in horrible shape and the mounting bracket from the locomotive is still attached.
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