GE5HL vs K5HL comparison

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NickN Great Britain
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GE5HL vs K5HL comparison

Post by NickN »

(information from a video by Blake Kennis)


Very similar except the tag, which on the GE5HL has a Part Number and Serial Number, with the title 'Five Tone Air Horn'.
Both manifolds have the notch cut out for locating on the locomotive mount.



GE5HL backcaps have a smaller bubble than the K5HL, similar to the pre-2016 Nathan backcaps.
GE5HL vent holes are slightly bevelled unlike the straight edge Nathans.
GE5HL interior cutting lathe cut like older Nathans.
GE5HL very slightly smaller diameter.




GE have a logo and tall skinny numbering on the opposite side of the bell to Nathans, and nothing on the side where Nathan has the bell number. Air inlet in foot is oversized in the GE bells. Diffuser rings are identical, along with the Allen head fixing bolts. Bells are the same length. Nozzles in the GE bells are thinner, due to double bevelling, thickness of around 0.11 inches (Nathan) compared to 0.07 inches (GE).


1L: GE bell has significantly shallower bore and a much straighter cut on the throat entrance.
Bore Depth (Nathan) 0.17 inches, (GE) 0.09 inches.

1: GE bell has bevelled throat entrance like the Nathan, and no real difference in bore depth.
Bore Depth (Nathan) 0.09 inches, (GE) 0.09 inches.

2: This bell has the logo and numbering on the opposite side to the others, so it can be read along with the others while mounted in the typical K5HL configuration.
GE bell has similar shaped throat entrance but a much shallower bore.
Bore Depth (Nathan) 0.45 inches, (GE) 0.235 inches.

3: Both GE and Nathan bells similar throat entrance but GE has shallower bore depth.
Bore Depth (Nathan) 0.18 inches, (GE) 0.155 inches.

4: This bell has the logo and numbering on the opposite side to the others, so it can be read along with the others while mounted in the typical K5HL configuration.
Similar throat and GE has shallower bore.
Bore Depth (Nathan) 0.365 inches, (GE) 0.29 inches.
A chime collector in a land of two-tone horns...